Welcome to the C47 reference documentation. The documentation is maintained by user RJvM, C47 team member, with input from the other team members and also with the advantage of feedback from the C47 related forum on forum.swissmicros.com. The information is organised in folders per category, as follows: In the root directory, the documents are either complete or a compilation pdf document combining many separate pages that are stored elsewhere (in respective folders). [Root directory] * C47_Full_index.pdf * C47_Full_Names.pdf * C47_Keyboard_overview.pdf * C47_Keyboard_rows.pdf * C47_Menu_categories.pdf * C47_Menus.pdf * C47_Reference.pdf * DM42_Keyboard_overview.pdf * R47_Keyboard_overview.pdf * ReadMe - Intro to the reference documentation.txt (this text) The C47_Full_index.pdf shows where everything that is in the calculator can be found, exactly and contains the extended descriptions of every item. C47_Full_Names.pdf is a kind of reverse lookup for all things in the calculator. C47_Keyboard_overview.pdf shows a compact overview of the most important keyboard layers for the C47. C47_Keyboard_rows contains the extended descriptions of every shift of every key. C47_Menus.pdf contains all menus, C47_Reference all reference pages (special subjects). Details in the following folders * Application Notes - tutorial type information on specific subjects, by various authors * Catalog - representations of the two main catalogs, CAT.FCNS and CAT.MENUS and a full listing of the items in those catalogs, with descriptions, in C47_Function_catalog.pdf and C47_Menu_catalog.pdf. * Community Support - information that may be useful for authors contributing to the documentation, e.g. the Application Notes or the Wiki. A list of menu changes is available in C47_Menu_changes.xlsx. To be able to display the contents of the Community Support files, you need to install the font file (in C47_Standard_font_yyyymmdd.zip) Note: this folder _may_ also contain: spreadsheet listings of all items with description C47_AppNotes_items.xlsx) and all menu layouts (C47_AppNotes_menus.xslx. * Keyboard - Overviews of keyboard layers and rows in individual files. * Menus - All C47 menus are included as individual pdfs. These are also combined in the root directory as a complete listing in C47_Menus.pdf * Reference - All C47 reference pages are included as individual files. These are also combined in the root directory as a complete listing in C47_Reference.pdf